The “Eredità e Memoria” no-profit Association aims at promoting, developing and achieving
cultural purposes about our historical memory as a legacy for future
generations, with useful cultural activities.

«From the monument to the Polish soldier to the activation of school partnerships between European schools, from the meeting of veterans with our young people involved in various initiatives in the area to the organization of different exhibitions as testimony of a past that must not be forgotten, multiple e diversified projects have been promoted / implemented in order not to forget and perpetuate a memory that cannot and must not be lost »
Gabriele Ravanelli, president of the association.

The Anders-Italia 2020 Memorial project, promoted by the committee of the same name born within the “Eredità e Memoria” association, foresees the participatory planning of a monument dedicated to General Wladislav Anders, commander of the II Army Corps of the Polish Army that freed Imola on April 14, 1945.

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